Stop Pebble Mine
Pebble Mine has been around since 2002, there is a lot at risk if they succeed including the salmon, the jobs and economy, recreational fishing. Please get informed, the more that people know about this, the more help Alaska can get to stop it. Below are some informational links
Take action and sign the petition to Governor Mike Dunleavy so we can stop permitting pebble during the COVID-19 crisis. We encourage all Togiak members to please sign and save our land, fish, culture from Pebble.
“Please encourage the Army Corps to turn their efforts to keeping Alaskans safe, and listen to the people you were elected to serve by not risking our greatest fish-producing region, an economic staple of our state, for a risky and ill-planned mine that we do not want.” -Message to the Governor
If you have social media (twitter/facebook/Instagram), use that to inform everyone about Pebble Mine. #savebristolbay
Pebble Mining Plan is disastrous for Bristol bay