Founded in 1973, Togiak Natives Limited is a village corporation formed under the Alaska Natives Claims Settlement Act. Based in Togiak, Alaska, Togiak serves approximately 974 shareholders.
Togiak Natives Limited is a for profit village corporation, the profit they earn goes into running the corporation, servicing shareholder students with scholarship/internships, also costs of shareholder bereavement. The profits come from land and building leases such as; Our store "Alaska Commercial Company” A.C, Camp up river, student bus services for the school, fuel for the entire village. The fuel gets two deliveries per year and it is the only fuel available for the public. TNL is also in charge of land operations.
TNL values our Yup’ik culture, language, land, youth & elders well-being in Togiak. The current goals are to maintain annual dividends for the shareholders, taking part in land development of TNL parcels, shareholder internships (Togiak, Anchorage, TMS work locations).
Continue to grow tank farm business
Land and real estate assets
Board training/employee opportunity growth
Review and update bereavement/burial policy
Build more scholarship funds for shareholders
Jimmy Coopchiak,
Joe Alexie, Board Vice Chair
Anecia Kritz, vice President
Nellie Thomas, secretary
Margie Coopchiak, Treasurer
Rose Wassillie,
Teo Pauk, director